I just updated to Julia v1.2 and can’t use Mimi or any of the Mimi registry model packages. Other Julia packages work fine and Mimi works fine on v1.1.
I get the following errors after saying using Mimi
.....julia\packages\SpecialFunctions\fvheQ\deps\usr\bin\libopenspecfun.dll cannot be opened, Please re-run Pkg.build("fvheQ"), and restart Julia.
ERROR: LoadError: Failed to precompile StatsFuns [4c63d2b9-4356-54db-8cca-17b64c39e42c]
ERROR: LoadError: Failed to precompile Distributions
ERROR: Failed to precompile Mimi [e4e893b0-ee5e-52ea-8111-44b3bdec128c]
Any thoughts @lrennels @davidanthoff ? Thanks!
UPDATE: I sorted it out. I re-installed Julia v1.2 just to have a clean slate. I had to run Julia as an administrator to install Mimi and MimiRICE2010. Still got the same errors, but then had to run Pkg.build("SpecialFunctions")
. Mimi and RICE then work (even if not run as an administrator). I saw the hint to try as an administrator here: Git Issue . Seems like it might be an issue with symlinks on Windows? Any thoughts on how to address this? I’m writing replication code for a paper and it’s not ideal to have Windows users run into this problem.