I would like to ask you if some supplementary instructions are necessary in Julia to start running MimiRICE2010 beyond those indicated in github i.e. :
pkg> registry add https://github.com/mimiframework/MimiRegistry.git
pkg> add MimiRICE2010
pkg> add Mimi
julia> using MimiRICE2010
julia> m = MimiRICE2010.get_model()
julia> run(m)
When I write the instruction “julia> using MimiRICE2010”, an error message appears advising me to “re-run Pkg.build(“Special Functions”)”. And further down, other error messages say that StatsFuns, Distributions, Mimi and MimiRICE2010 failed to precompile. Do you have any idea of which instructions I could write to resolve these problems and implement successfully the model?
Last of all, as my goal is to compile my own version of RICE (with other regionalization and endogenous demography), I need to change the code, and especially the file parameters.jl. So I downloaded the entire zip code via the “clone or download” bottom in the git. But when I open it via Julia, it directly closes after writing errors in the Julia console. Do you think there would be an easier way to open and modify parameters.jl ?
Best regards,
Marvin Dupuis