Impact Aggregation- MimiFUND

Good day!
In the impact aggregation:
v.loss[t, r] = (v.eloss[t, r] + v.sloss[t, r]) * 1000000000.0 why do you multiply by a billion?

When you use the explorer to view individual impacts, most of them appear to be in about a thousand order of magnitude. Yet the loss variable under impactaggregation is in a billion order of magnitude? What are the actual units? Dollars or bn$?

Hi @pansah thank you for your question! This is a question that should probably be directed at the model authors for clarification, as we Mimi developers don’t actively manage all the models that leverage Mimi. My intuition here would say that

v.loss[t, r] = (v.eloss[t, r] + v.sloss[t, r]) * 1000000000.0

is covering damages from billions of dollars to dollars before passing them to a social cost calculation, but again one would have to inquire with model authors or try their model documentation for help ie. Documentation | FUND Model