Units for Disaggregated Output from Mimi.GIVE

What are the exact data definitions and units for MimiGIVE default, and disaggregated outputs (e.g., damages, marginal damages, co2, temperature)?

I am asking because when I ran 10,000 draws of the model with a 1Gt emissions pulse, the marginal damages for the US seem implausibly small under the data definition given in the output README.

In particular, median of the agricultural marginal damages are 1.16E-03; the README seems to suggest that the units are in 2005 USD $.

The code I used to get my draws was the following:

using Mimi 
using MimiGIVE

discount_rates = [(label="Ramsey", prtp=0.0046, eta=1.42)] 
save_list = [(:temperature, :T), (:co2_cycle, :co2)]
pulse_size = 1.

# 1Gt of C for CO2, 1Mt of CH4, and 1Mt of N2O.
result = MimiGIVE.compute_scc(year = 2024, discount_rates = discount_rates, n = 10000, save_list = save_list, save_cpc = true, compute_disaggregated_values=true, pulse_size = pulse_size, output_dir = "XX")

Hello, thanks for your question! For model-specific questions please post them as Issues on the respective repository so that the specific model authors, who may not be directly involved with Mimi software development, can answer the queries m. I’ll be happy to answer there, as in this case I am one of the GIVE authors.

@museaoide here you go: Units for Disaggregated Output from Mimi.GIVE · Issue #56 · rffscghg/MimiGIVE.jl · GitHub let’s continue the conversation there until we make sure you have what you need!

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