Updating Julia, IJulia

I install the new version of Julia via julia-1.9.3-win64.exe.

The new path is C:\Users\Ken\AppData\Local\Programs\Julia-1.9.3\bin

The IJulia quick start GitHub - JuliaLang/IJulia.jl: Julia kernel for Jupyter
says Install IJulia from the Julia REPL by pressing ] , then enter: add IJulia.
This gives errors;
Updating registry at C:\Users\Ken\.julia\registries\General
ERROR: GitError(Code:ENOTFOUND, Class:Config, config value ‘safe.directory’ was not found)

The IJulia page says " Alternatively, you can have IJulia create and manage its own Python/Jupyter installation. To do this, type the following in Julia, at the julia> prompt:
using IJulia
This gives errors;
Package IJulia not found, but a package named IJulia is available from a
Install package?
(@v1.9) pkg> add IJulia
(y/n/o) [y]:
Updating registry at C:\Users\Ken\.julia\registries\General
ERROR: GitError(Code:ENOTFOUND, Class:Config, config value ‘safe.directory’ was not found)
Both methods give the same error.

This other IJulia page Installation · IJulia
says "… If you install a new Julia binary (or do anything that changes the location of Julia on your computer), you must update the IJulia installation (to tell Jupyter where to find the new Julia) by running Pkg.build(“IJulia”)
at the Julia command line.
This gives errors;
ERROR: UndefvarError: ‘Pkg’ not defined

The two IJulia pages give different instructions, neither apparently work.
Please provide instructions so that I can run the IJulia and notebook.

Hi Ken,

These all seem like issues unrelated to Mimi. You’ll probably have most luck if you ask those kind of general Julia/IJulia questinos over at https://discourse.julialang.org/.
