Enquiry - MimiGIVE


Good day! Is there a full self contained documentation for MimiGive - I know there are separate reference materials for the components, but is there a full documentation where I can get a fair share into the formulations?

Additionally, I would like to confirm if it’s possible to modify MimiFAIR and have those modifications reflect in MimiGIVE.

Thank you.

Thanks for the question @pansah

Existing documentation for the MimiGIVE model can be found at (1) the Github repository for MimiGIVE here (2) the Rennert et al. (2022) publication here (3) ancillary Github repositories and respective papers for individual damages functions or the RFF socioeconomic scenarios, these will be linked in both of the resources above.

Yes, you may use a combination of Github features (e.g. forks) and Julia versioning (e.g. change the project environment to reference your fork) to modify a dependency (MimiFAIR is a dependency of MimiGIVE) to ensure that your changes flow through. There are a few ways do do this depending on the intended changes.

That said, it can be a bit involved to update multiple packages at once, so going that route may depend on your comfort with these tools. My personal advice would be to load the MimiGIVE model and then modify/replace individual components. Every component of MimiFAIR is a component of MimiGIVE, so using features like replace_comp! may simplify your workflow. For example, if you wanted to modify the co2cycle component of FaIR, you could copy it into your repository, rename it and edit it, and then use replace_comp! to substitute your modified version.

Happy to elaborate on Mimi modification functions and/or point to relevant documentation.