Permissions Enquiry


Do I need any outstanding permissions to submit studies conducted with Mimi models?


Hi Peter,

Mimi itself is certainly an open-source platform and package that anyone is free to use without any particular permissions, and if you’d like to cite it feel free to cite the below and use the or Github repo for a URL if you need one eg:

Anthoff, D., Kingdon, C., Plevin, R. & Rennels, L. Mimi: an integrated assessment modeling framework.

For using individual models hosted publicly that use the platform, take a look at the LICENSE on the home page for instructions on citing and use. This is generally in a LICENSE folder in the top folder and also displayed alongside the README on the Github front page e.g. the following from MimiFUND

Most use the MIT license – " …a permissive software license originating at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)[6] in the late 1980s.[7] As a permissive license, it puts very few restrictions on reuse and therefore has high license compatibility.[8][9]"


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