Error: name entry in project file

Hi there!
I’ve been getting this error lately when trying to add / remove / update packages in a local cloned version of the MimiPAGE2020 repo. Any idea what’s going on? I tried deleting the Project and Manifest files and recreating them but I’m still getting the error.

ERROR: expected a `name` entry in project file at `C:\Users\...\Project.toml`



Hi @tammyt123,

First, a Project.toml file for a package needs to have a a name, UUID, and version at the top, as seen here: MimiPAGE2020.jl/Project.toml at master · openmodels/MimiPAGE2020.jl · GitHub.

name = "MimiPAGE2020"
uuid = "daa1807e-96ac-4669-bc57-6ed081383131"
version = "1.9.0"

Fully deleting and recreating .toml files for packages can get a little tricky, I’ve been there :slight_smile: so best to avoid but sometimes it happens! Maybe just pulling in the latest ones from the parent repository, either manually or with git command, is the best way to start fresh? Let me know if this works for you, I’m happy to make sure it gets working for you as efficiently as possible.

I did note on your fork that you have some <<<< HEAD and ===== type entries in your Project.toml and other files, which indicates there was a merge conflict that did not get resolved. The cleanest will be to copy in the clean ones from the package, but let me know if you need help with that.

More generally, I think the use of this package as a project vs. a package is getting a little blurred in this package (in a way that I personally blame Julia for not users), but if you need some help or advice on workflows for editing actual packages like MimiPAGE2020.jl then I’m happy to provide that, and @davidanthoff is as well as he’s taught me quite a bit and we have some recorded videos. If your flow is working for you, I know things are busy right now and won’t try to mess with it, but if you are getting frustrated with versioning and snags to a point that it would be helpful to talk through how you do your workflows and how we might be able to help you streamline it with our advised methods, we can help you with the workflow protocol that might feel less frustrating.

Hi Lisa,

Thank you so, so much! I added the lines and now it’s working fine. I guess I must have botched my merge the other day and somehow they got deleted in the process.

I’d definitely love to get advice / best practices on editing packages! My current “workflow” was very much self taught and I’m probably doing things very inefficiently / messily, so it would be great to see what you recommend :slight_smile: Thanks so much again!

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