Question: Variable discount rates

So @glarange I think to summarize there are two good options for now.

Before you employ them wait an hour or two for me to tag things and then call

pkg> up

in your environment, after which

pkg> st

should show that you have Mimi v1.2.1 and MimiIWG v 1.0.2

At this point your issues from your previous post in the forum here will be resolved, and you’ll have the ability to do one of the two following things:

  1. To use the deterministic version of the models, you can use the get_marginaldamages function to get the undercounted marginal damages vector and do with them what you want afterwards, or wrap this in a function etc.
using MimiIWG
damages = get_marginaldamages(MODEL_NAME, SCENARIO_CHOICE, gas=:CO2, year=2020, discount=0)
  1. To use the Monte Carlo version of the models, you can set the save_md flag to TRUE in the run_scc_mcs function with full signature
        gas::Union{Symbol, Nothing} = nothing,
        trials::Int = 10000,
        perturbation_years::Vector{Int} = _default_perturbation_years,
        discount_rates::Vector{Float64} = _default_discount_rates, 
        domestic::Bool = false,
        output_dir::String = nothing, 
        save_trials::Bool = false,
        save_md::Bool = false,
        tables::Bool = true)

for which the function signature states "If save_md equals true, then global undiscounted marginal damages from each run of the simulation will be saved in a subdirectory “output/marginal_damages”. You can then use those to do whatever you want for discounting.

  1. Alternatively, if you are interested in a Ramsey-type framework, in the ramsey branch (link) one can set the near-term discount_rates , then choose parameters prtp and eta to discount damages according to the growth rate g from the EMF scenarios. For now this is an experimental branch so probably less dependable, but sounds like some people are using it!

@parthum look right?

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